Safety in Design Guide

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The careful management of our assets is vital to reliable and affordable electricity supply for New Zealand.

A number of initiatives are being spearheaded by the EEA's Asset Management Group (AMG), including guidelines on Asset Management Maturity Assessment, a review of technician training and work on guidelines covering asset health indicators, auto reclosing of circuits and low voltage system management.

National Equipment Defect Reporting System NEDeRS®

To aid with specifying and maintaining New Zealand's electricity industry assets, the EEA has made access to an international database on electrical equipment defect information available to subscribers. Log in to NEDeRS®.  Find out further information about NEDeRS® here.

With significant development underway in improving the asset management of the electricity industry, the list of important publications and guides is growing

The most recent documents are listed below, or go to the Publications section for a full list.

Electricity Engineers' Association - Asset Management

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